Wildlife Menu

We would like to thank all those who have given support to this project from the local community, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Forestry England, Grown in Britain, the Freshwater Habitats Trust, Alvecote and Shuttington Parish Council, Maurice Arnold (sadly now passed away), and all the contractors and friends, family and volunteers who have worked on the site and given us advice and support.

We are developing Alvecote Wood according to our Woodland Management Plan that has been agreed with and grant-aided by Forestry England under the English Woodland Grant Scheme.

Are you another woodland owner needing advice? Would you like to read our Tree Safety Policy?

Wildlife Photographs at Alvecote Wood

This section includes photographs of a range of wildlife at Alvecote Wood. All photos were taken by Sarah or Stephen using a variety of cameras, and are copyright to Pragmasis Ltd.

This page is currently being updated - in the meantime, please see our Photos page for slideshows, videos, photos and images of Alvecote Wood and its wonderful wildlife.

Butterflies and Insects

Butterflies and insects
Gatekeeper butterfly Gatekeeper butterfly
Gatekeeper butterflies at Alvecote wood - 2008
Meadow Brown Ringlet butterfly
Meadow brown Ringlet
Broad-bodied chaser male Speckled wood butterfly on nettle
Broad-bodied chaser dragonfly Speckled wood butterfly
Bumblebee on bramble flower Four-spotted chaser
Buff-tailed bumblebee on bramble flower Four-spotted chaser dragonfly
Small red damselfly Common blue damselflies
Small red damselfly Common blue damselflies
Large white butterfly on bramble Comma butterfly
Large white butterfly on bramble Comma butterfly
Two large skipper butterflies on thistle Red admiral butterfly on bramble
Large skipper butterflies on thistle Red admiral butterfly
Ringlet butterfly on oak Meadow brown on bramble
Ringlet butterfly on oak tree Meadow brown on bramble
Painted lady butterfly Two large white butterflies on thistle
Painted lady butterfly on concrete floor Two large white butterflies on thistle
Peacock butterfly Common darter dragonfly
Peacock butterfly on thistle Comon darter dragonfly
Four-spotted chaser Brimstone butterfly on thistle
Four-spotted chaser Brimstone butterfly on thistle
Painted lady butterfly on thistle Silver Y moth
Painted lady buttefly on thistle Silver Y moth on thistle
Common blue butterfly Third generation speckled wood on oak
Common blue butterfly on thistle - we don't get many of these at the wood. Third generation speckled-wood on oak leaf
Fly on thistle Orange-tip butterfly
A lovely fly, feasting on thistle Male orange-tip butterfly showing great camouflage on a nettle leaf
Large skipper Green-veined white
Large skipper butterfly Green-veined white
Common-blue butterfly Common blue butterfly
Common blue butterfly Male common blue
Gatekeeper Purple hairstreak
Gatekeeper butterfly Purple hairstreak on an oak leaf


Mammals at Alvecote Wood
Prints of Muntjac deer at Alvecote Wood Prints from badger near ponds at Alvecote Wood
Footprints of muntjac deer Footprints of badger
Muntjac female with fawn Squirrel on oak tree
Female muntjac deer (doe) with kid on a mown path (remote camera) Squirrel on oak tree
Muntjac deer at night (remote camera) Rabbit in clearing
Muntjac deer female at night (remote camera) Rabbit in clearing at woods at dusk (remote camera)
Fox at Alvecote Wood Male muntjac
Fox in clearing at dusk (remote camera) Male muntjac deer (buck) - you can see the little short antlers
Badger at Alvecote Wood  
Badger at Alvecote Wood - this is where he is scent marking his territory but it still took a long time to get a photo (remote camera)  


Birds at Alvecote Wood
Mallard duck on ponds at Alvecote Wood Mallard drake on lower pond
Mallard duck on one of the new ponds Mallard drake on original lower pond
Birds Sparrowhawk
Willow tit at Alvecote Wood Sparrowhawk with collared dove prey - in our garden, but we have a pair at Alvecote Wood too.
Buzzard Kestrel hovering in fields beside Alvecote Wood
Buzzard flying over Betty's Wood - these birds are regular visitors to the Wood and breed in or near the wood. Kestrel hovering in the field adjacent to Alvecote Wood
Pheasant in field next to Alvecote Wood Robin in the snow
Male pheasant in the field next to Alvecote Wood - they are in the wood too, but difficult to photograph there! A lovely friendly little robin helping us with our coppicing work in the snow.
Cheeky little robin Blue tit
Another cheeky little robin Lovely little dunnock
Blue tit on seed feeder
Blue tit on seed feeder Yellowhammer
Great tit on feeder Great tit getting ready to fly
Great tit Great tit ready to fly!
Nuthatch Male chaffinch
Nuthatch Male chaffinch
Brilliant little blue tit Another chubby little blue tit
Coal tit Reed bunting
Coal tit Reed bunting

Flowering Plants

Flowering Plants at Alvecote Wood
Bluebells in flower at Alvecote Wood Daffodils in spring at Alvecote Wood
Bluebells in flower April 2009 Daffodils along the access road
Deep crimson tulip along access road at Alvecote Wood Greater Stitchwort at Alvecote Wood
Crimson tulips Greater stitchwort
White deadnettle at Alvecote Wood Bee on Bugle at Alvecote Wood
White deadnettle Bugle
Buttercups in the meadow Foxglove with bumblebee
Buttercup meadow Foxglove with bumblebee
Bramble flower Woody nightshade
Bramble flower Woody nightshade (bittersweet)
Hogweed flower against sky Hemp nettle
Hogweed flower against blue sky Common hemp nettle - with pink flowers
Redshank flowers Angelica flower head
Redshank flowers Angelica flower head
Close-up of angelica flower Horehound
Close-up of angelica flower Somebody may tell me I'm wrong because this isn't on the list from the Wildlife Trust, but I think this is black horehound
False oat grass Water mint at Pond Three
False oat (grass) in the clearing Water mint in flower by Pond 3
Musk Mallow in flower Wild raspberry
Musk Mallow Wild raspberry by Pond 6
Cowslip Primrose
Cowslip Primrose
Snakeshead fritillary Snakeshead fritillary
Snakeshead fritillary Snakeshead fritillary
White water lily Branched bur-reed
Water-lily Bur-reed
Borage flowers Hedge woundwort
Borage Hedge woundwort
Common poppy Ox-eye daisy
Common poppy Ox-eye daisy


Trees at Alvecote Wood
Huge oak tree at Alvecote Wood Pedunculate oak acorns
Huge old English (pedunculate) oak Acorns of pedunculate (English) oak
Hazel catkins Sallow trees around lower ponds
Hazel catkins in winter Sallow trees around the new lower ponds
Spooky crab apple at Alvecote Wood Glade of oak trees in spring
A spooky crab apple tree Oak Glade
Hawthorn tree in flower Large hazel tree
Hawthorn in flower Large Hazel
Larch showing new leaves and cones Hawthon flowers
Larch - new leaves and cones Hawthorn flower
Hazel nut developing Lime leaves in Autumn
Developing hazel nut Lime leaves in autumn
Ultra close-up of acorns Hawthorn berries
Acorns Hawthorn berries
Elderberries Wild Service Tree in headge
Elderberries - and very nice wine they make too! Wild Service Tree growing in the hedge at Alvecote Wood
Rose hips at Alvecote Wood Blackthorn with sloes at Alvecote Wood
Rose hips growing at Alvecote Wood Blackthorn with sloes in the hedge at Alvecote Wood
Crab apples at Alvecote Wood Elder leaves in Autumn
Crab apples at Alvecote Wood - we have quite a few crab apple trees on the site Elder leaves in Autumn at Alvecote Wood
Holly berries at Alvecote Wood Ash buds
Holly berries at Alvecote Wood - there are a few female trees with berries on the site. Beautiful and characteristic ash buds forming in the Autumn


Fungi at Alvecote Wood
Small fungi at Alvecote Wood Bracket fungi on fallen oak branch

These little fungi grow at the rear of our building

Bracket fungi growing on a fallen oak branch


Winter Pictures

Winter at Alvecote Wood - please also see this album for more photos of the wood in winter (opens new browser window)
Frozen hawthorn berries Frozen grass
Frozen hawthorn berries Grass fronds covered with frost
Seed heads in winter Twigs covered with frost
Frosted seed heads Oak buds and twigs covered in frost