
We would like to thank all those who have given support to this project from the local community, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Forestry England, Grown in Britain, the Freshwater Habitats Trust, Alvecote and Shuttington Parish Council, Maurice Arnold (sadly now passed away), and all the contractors and friends, family and volunteers who have worked on the site and given us advice and support.

We are developing Alvecote Wood according to our Woodland Management Plan that has been agreed with and grant-aided by Forestry England under the English Woodland Grant Scheme.

Are you another woodland owner needing advice? Would you like to read our Tree Safety Policy?


Chalara ash dieback

We are asking all our visitors to please wash their boots before leaving our site to help prevent the spread of this tree disease.

Open Days and Open Evenings

Please see the events page for details of our Open Days and evenings.

Outdoor Photography Exhibition - The Eye of the Beholder

This Exhibition has now finished.

If you would like a taster, have a look at this video slideshow of some of the images on YouTube

Photography Workshops - Introduction to Photography/Macro Photography

Very sadly, Sarah passed away in April 2018 so I am afraid we are not able to run her photography courses for the foreseeable future.

Would you like to make more of your camera? Perhaps you take photos and then wonder why they didn't turn out as you had hoped? Or maybe you just want to learn more about those buttons on your camera and what they do? Or maybe you would like to increase the range of images that you can take? We run several photography courses during the year, based at the woods. Please see our Events page for more information.