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We would like to thank all those who have given support to this project from the local community, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Forestry England, Grown in Britain, the Freshwater Habitats Trust, Alvecote and Shuttington Parish Council, Maurice Arnold (sadly now passed away), and all the contractors and friends, family and volunteers who have worked on the site and given us advice and support.

We are developing Alvecote Wood according to our Woodland Management Plan that has been agreed with and grant-aided by Forestry England under the English Woodland Grant Scheme.

Are you another woodland owner needing advice? Would you like to read our Tree Safety Policy?


ALL of our products are made from material that is generated by our management of the site for wildlife, and all our wood and wood products are certified under the Grown in Britain scheme - this means that they are sustainably-sourced and produced by a woodland managed under a Forestry Commission plan that meets the UK Forestry Standard.. We do not cut any trees down just for timber or firewood. Coppicing is the primary source of wood, but we also use wood from trees felled in areas being thinned to promote healthy growth of trees and regeneration, from trees and branches that fall in high winds or storms, and tree safety work.

Due to excessive costs, we are unable to offer online ordering for the majority of our products. However they can be purchased in person during Open Days. The exception to this is the Alvecote Wood Calendar, which can be ordered through our security business website.


The Alvecote Wood Calendar can be purchased online through our security products website. That site is set up for secure online ordering and we can despatch via Royal Mail for most single calendar orders. Please do not be concerned by the "Security Products Detailed Info" title on the page - that is what our security website uses and there is no easy way to make an exception for items related to the woods - Sorry!


We have small handy bags of firewood (seasoned hardwood) available for purchase at our Open Days. These are 18inches cubed (1/8 cubic yard) and easy to carry, and fit easily into the boot of a normal family car. At present we cannot supply households with sufficient wood fuel for winter-long heating, we can only supply logs for casual use. This may change in future as our coppicing activities develop.

We manage Alvecote Wood for wildilfe and for a small sustainable supply of wood for crafts and firewood. This supply of wood will increase as Betty's Wood develops and we can start some coppicing.

Wood Craft Products

Sarah made several hand-turned green wood items using our pole-lathe, which is a foot-powered, environmentally-friendly lathe. These items include stool legs, tool handles, rolling pins, garden dibbers, cord pulls, foot massagers and honey dippers. Beware that I (Stephen) am not able to continue producing these hand-turned items so the stock is running down and once they're gone, they're gone! We can sometimes also offer chainsaw-carved toadstools, etc. Come along and see what we make at our Open Days.

Other Craft Products

We have a variety of craft products available for sale at our Open Days including eco-friendly wax candles, greetings cards, Christmas cards, wooden key fobs and pendants.