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We would like to thank all those who have given support to this project from the local community, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Forestry England, Grown in Britain, the Freshwater Habitats Trust, Alvecote and Shuttington Parish Council, Maurice Arnold (sadly now passed away), and all the contractors and friends, family and volunteers who have worked on the site and given us advice and support.

We are developing Alvecote Wood according to our Woodland Management Plan that has been agreed with and grant-aided by Forestry England under the English Woodland Grant Scheme.

Are you another woodland owner needing advice? Would you like to read our Tree Safety Policy?

Alvecote Wood - Events and Visitors

Below are ways in which you can visit the woods. If you can't come along, watch our quick video tour around the woods! YouTube video.

Our Visitor Leaflet can be downloaded and this includes a site map.


Photography Courses: Very sadly, we are unable to continue with these at present.

Alvecote Wood is not open all the time to the public. However we hold Open Days and events here that will allow people to enjoy this special place. If you would like to organise a visit to the woods for a wildlife, community or other group, school, scouts, art or photography group or any other interested people, please contact us.

Please read our notes for visitors before attending and take a look at our site map (pdf) and our visitor leaflet.

Next Events

The 2024 Open Day programme comprises the following dates, all Sundays at the end of each month: 31st March, 28th April, 26th May, 30th June, 28th July, 25th August, 29th September, 27th October and 24th November.

All Open Days run from 10am to 3:30pm.

The pattern of the last Sunday in each month is expected to continue through to the end of November but we always recommend checking our Facebook page for the latest news and updates:

The Woods will be open for people to enjoy a nice walk around.

Last entry for walking around at 2:30pm.

Free entry.

We can sometimes offer Guided Tours at 11am and at 2pm, first come first served on the day and *subject to availability of help on the day*. We are sorry some aspects are still limited.

Check our Facebook page for the latest updates.

Please see the notes below when planning your visit.

If you've been before, please come again as there is always something new to see with the change of the seasons and the progress we are making with our coppicing, wildflower meadows, tree-planting and other wildlife activities, not to mention the exciting woodland creation project: Betty's Wood.

Information leaflets and site maps are available for free.

Notes for Open Day Visitors - please also read our information leaflet.

Parking: Please note that there is limited car parking at Alvecote Wood, so if you are able to walk, cycle or share a car, we would be very grateful. There is parking for a few vehicles on hardstanding to the left of our main building, with overflow space for more cars on the grass nearby when required.

**Please minimise driving on the grass. The soil is vitally important in any Ancient Woodland and we should avoid compacting it unnecessarily.**

Dogs: We prefer to minimise presence of dogs on site because of their impact on wildlife. You MAY bring a very well-behaved dog provided it is kept on a short non-extending lead at all times, and that you remove any waste. We reserve the right to refuse admission to poorly-behaved dogs.

Children: We are really keen for children to experience the beauty of Alvecote Wood. However, we remind visitors that there are deep, un-fenced ponds on site, the location of which is not always obvious, as the banks are overgrown. Therefore we would ask that children are kept closely supervised at all times and not allowed to wander off on their own. Please do not allow children to climb on fences, log piles, trees or gates, as these may not be safe and may cause injury.

Old building and Well Nearby: Please do not go up to the old building or the well near it. The old building is unstable and the well is deep. In short, the old bulding and its surroundings are not good places to be.

Walking: Most of the paths are rough and grassy or muddy. They will certainly be uneven. We cannot control where rabbits make their holes, which may appear overnight. Please wear stout shoes that you don't mind getting muddy, and please always look where you are putting your feet! You will need to cross a railway sleeper bridge on the main route Around the woods. Please respect any path closures that are in effect - there may be open ditches or other work in progress.

Disabled: There is only a small area accessible by wheelchair at present, although a larger area is accessible if you have an off-road disability scooter. The exact area depends on the weather, as some paths can get waterlogged at certain times of year.

Please respect the wildlife: Please do respect the wildlife here. Please don't pick flowers, pull off branches or twigs, throw sticks or stones into the ponds, or enter any fenced-off areas.